Sunday, May 27, 2007

Thanks to Mysti . . .

As is typical of most children, Makana loves to hear her books read over and over and over and over . . . . Two of her favorite books are from her cousin Mysti: TAILS and GOODNIGHT, GORILLA! Mysti's sister Jo has become Makana's favorite person to request the reading of the latter. Sorry and thanks, Jo, but you do a great job! :)


Anonymous said...

Mysti will love this blog, she agonized (a little) over which books to get, go Jo!

monchan :) said...

They are great books with color, interactive parts, and simple words. The gorilla book is cleverly done, as it has little themes that repeat in the visuals. :) Thanks again, Mysti! :)

Jo is so patient, for Makana tirelessly asks for "more"--more reading, more playing, more time to focus on her. Thanks, Jo! :)

Anonymous said...

Monica doesn't even need to read the books to Makana anymore b/c she has them all memorized. Dave on the other hand must read them or he will end up changing the story each time. I like the diversity of it all. Change it up a little to relieve bordem of the same o same o. That could be frustrating to some who need closure though. Which one is Makana? We know that Monica needs closure and accuracy. Am I right? As we approach 12 awesome years of marriage, I believe that I can answer that one. An emphatic, "yes!'