As is typical of most children, Makana loves to hear her books read over and over and over and over . . . . Two of her favorite books are from her cousin Mysti: TAILS and GOODNIGHT, GORILLA! Mysti's sister Jo has become Makana's favorite person to request the reading of the latter. Sorry and thanks, Jo, but you do a great job! :)
Mysti will love this blog, she agonized (a little) over which books to get, go Jo!
They are great books with color, interactive parts, and simple words. The gorilla book is cleverly done, as it has little themes that repeat in the visuals. :) Thanks again, Mysti! :)
Jo is so patient, for Makana tirelessly asks for "more"--more reading, more playing, more time to focus on her. Thanks, Jo! :)
Monica doesn't even need to read the books to Makana anymore b/c she has them all memorized. Dave on the other hand must read them or he will end up changing the story each time. I like the diversity of it all. Change it up a little to relieve bordem of the same o same o. That could be frustrating to some who need closure though. Which one is Makana? We know that Monica needs closure and accuracy. Am I right? As we approach 12 awesome years of marriage, I believe that I can answer that one. An emphatic, "yes!'
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