If you look for me [God] wholeheartedly, you will find me.
Jeremiah 29.13
Makana's deliberately been looking for Baby Jesus all season, asking why Jesus is a baby. One day as we were decorating the chapel, she dragged Dave to see Baby Jesus in the hay. Dave explained to her that Jesus came as a person to be able to walk a perfect life on earth to die for our sins--how we disobey God. He also rose from the dead so that we could have hope. If we believe in him, we are forgiven.
Wow! Abstract stuff!
The next day as we were driving around, running errands, Makana spotted another manger scene.
Makana: "Look, Mommy! I see Baby Jesus!"
Mommy: "Yes, Makana."
Makana: "Mommy, you're forgiven because of Jesus."
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